The concept

Synesthesia, from greek syn, « with » and aesthesis, « sensation » is a neurologic phenomenom where two or more senses are associated. For example, picturing each letter of the alphabet with a distinct color is the most common type of synesthesia. Even if it is supposed to be non-volontary and durable condition, I propose a simple visual illustration of music that I like to describe with this sophisticated word. This article follows Music analysis!

Rain drops

The mathematical modelization

The mathetical expression of a mechanical wave propagating according to time and distance is :

$$ S_{k,v, \phi, \lambda_0,\lambda_1}(r,t) = A_{k, v,\alpha,\lambda_0,\lambda_1}(r,t) \times \cos \big(k(r+vt) + \phi\big) $$

with $A_{k, v,\lambda_0,\lambda_1}$ an amplitude funtion defined by:

$$ A_{t_0, k, v}(r,t) = \begin{cases} \alpha e^{-\lambda_0 r}e^{-\lambda_1 t} & \text{if } t >= \frac{r}{kv}, \ % & is your “\tab”-like command (it’s a tab alignment character) 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$

where the different variables are defined as the following:

  • $r \geq 0$ is the distance to the spatial origin of the drop
  • $t$ is the duration of time elapsed since the drop hit the water
  • $k > 0$ is the wavenumber
  • $v > 0$ the velocity of the propagation of the wave in the water
  • $\alpha$ is a scalar controling the amplitude
  • $\lambda_0>0$ is a scalar which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with distance to the origin ($r$)
  • $\lambda_1>0$ is a scalar which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with time ($t$)
Code snippets
def spatial_wave(xx, yy, t, t0, origin, k, speed, phase, A, l0, l1):
    Input : 
    - xx the x-coordinates
    - yy the y-coordinates
    - t the time value
    - t0 the time when the drops falls 
    - origin the spatial coordinates of the location of where the drop falls
    - k the wavenumber
    - speed the velocity of the propagation of the wave in the water
    - phase the initial phase
    - l0 the lambda_0 parameter which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with distance to the origin
    - l1 the lambda_1 parameter which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with time

    # Compute the vector r of distance to the spatial origin
    xy = np.stack((xx,yy),axis=-1)
    r = np.linalg.norm(xy-origin.reshape((1,)*len(xy.shape[:-1])+(2,)),axis=-1)

    # Compute amplitude
    t1 = t0 + r/(k*speed)
    a = np.zeros_like(r)
    delta_d = speed*k*2/(np.pi)*(t-t0)
    a[r<=delta_d] = A*(np.exp(-l0*r)*np.exp(-l1*(t-t0)))[r<=delta_d]

    # Signal
    s = a*np.cos(k*(r - speed*(t-t0))+phase)


Synchronizing rain with music!

Here comes the exciting part. In my previous article I made a naive code to analyze the notes from a simple song. Now let’s illustrate the results given by this algorithm with rain drops!

Note that this piece is a little jazzy impro on top of the beggining of a Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 No 2 (left hand).