The concept

Synesthesia, from greek syn, « with » and aesthesis, « sensation » is a neurologic phenomenom where two or more senses are associated. For example, picturing each letter of the alphabet with a distinct color is the most common type of synesthesia. Even if it is a non-volontary and durable condition, I propose several visual illustrations of music via different algorithms analyzing sound signals in the rubric under the sententious name Synesthesia.

Music analysis

Rain drops

The mathematical modelization

The mathetical expression of a mechanical wave propagating according to time and distance is :

$$ S_{k,v, \phi, \lambda_0,\lambda_1}(r,t) = A_{k, v,\alpha,\lambda_0,\lambda_1}(r,t) \times \cos \big(k(r+vt) + \phi\big) $$

with $A_{k, v,\lambda_0,\lambda_1}$ an amplitude funtion defined by:

$$ A_{t_0, k, v}(r,t) = \begin{cases} \alpha e^{-\lambda_0 r}e^{-\lambda_1 t} & \text{if } t >= \frac{r}{kv}, \ % & is your “\tab”-like command (it’s a tab alignment character) 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$

where the different variables are defined as the following:

  • $r \geq 0$ is the distance to the spatial origin of the drop
  • $t$ is the duration of time elapsed since the drop hit the water
  • $k > 0$ is the wavenumber
  • $v > 0$ the velocity of the propagation of the wave in the water
  • $\alpha$ is a scalar controling the amplitude
  • $\lambda_0>0$ is a scalar which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with distance to the origin ($r$)
  • $\lambda_1>0$ is a scalar which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with time ($t$)
Code snippets
def spatial_wave(xx, yy, t, t0, origin, k, speed, phase, A, l0, l1):
    Input : 
    - xx the x-coordinates
    - yy the y-coordinates
    - t the time value
    - t0 the time when the drops falls 
    - origin the spatial coordinates of the location of where the drop falls
    - k the wavenumber
    - speed the velocity of the propagation of the wave in the water
    - phase the initial phase
    - l0 the lambda_0 parameter which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with distance to the origin
    - l1 the lambda_1 parameter which controls the exponential decrease of amplitude with time

    # Compute the vector r of distance to the spatial origin
    xy = np.stack((xx,yy),axis=-1)
    r = np.linalg.norm(xy-origin.reshape((1,)*len(xy.shape[:-1])+(2,)),axis=-1)

    # Compute amplitude
    t1 = t0 + r/(k*speed)
    a = np.zeros_like(r)
    delta_d = speed*k*2/(np.pi)*(t-t0)
    a[r<=delta_d] = A*(np.exp(-l0*r)*np.exp(-l1*(t-t0)))[r<=delta_d]

    # Signal
    s = a*np.cos(k*(r - speed*(t-t0))+phase)
